]> git.ozlabs.org Git - ccan/blob - ccan/deque/_info
io: update to use time_mono() for timers.
[ccan] / ccan / deque / _info
1 #include "config.h"
2 #include <stdio.h>
3 #include <string.h>
5 /**
6  * deque - type-preserving resizing circular deque
7  *
8  * This is a deque (double-ended queue, pronounced deck) implementation using
9  * a resizing circular buffer.  At steady state, deque operations can proceed
10  * perpetually without mallocing.  The initial capacity must be specified and
11  * is a lower bound when shrinking.  Buffer capacity is doubled at enqueue
12  * to a full deque.  Shrink behavior choices are never shrink, shrink to
13  * minimum when the queue is empty, or shrink by half when the queue is at 20%
14  * of capacity.  Operation names are in the Perl/Ruby style.
15  *
16  * Example:
17  *      // Evaluates arithmetic expressions using Dijkstra's two-stack algorithm.
18  *      // Original: http://algs4.cs.princeton.edu/13stacks/EvaluateDeluxe.java.html
19  *      #define _XOPEN_SOURCE 700 // only for getline(3) in this demo
20  *      #include <stdio.h>
21  *      #include <stdlib.h>
22  *      #include <ctype.h>
23  *      #include <err.h>
24  *      #include <ccan/deque/deque.h>
25  *
26  *      static double eval(char op, double a, double b)
27  *      {
28  *              switch (op) {
29  *              case '+': return a + b;
30  *              case '-': return a - b;
31  *              case '/': return a / b;
32  *              case '*': return a * b;
33  *              }
34  *              errx(1, "bad op: %c", op);
35  *      }
36  *
37  *      char opchr[] = { '(', ')', '+', '-', '*', '/' };
38  *      int  opprc[] = {  0 ,  0 ,  1 ,  1 ,  2 ,  2  };
39  *
40  *      static int precedence(char op)
41  *      {
42  *              int i;
43  *              for (i = 0; i < sizeof(opchr); i++)
44  *                      if (opchr[i] == op)
45  *                              return opprc[i];
46  *              return -1;
47  *      }
48  *
49  *      #define ok(x) ({ int n = (x); if (n == -1) err(1, "%s", #x); n; })
50  *
51  *      int main(int argc, char *argv[])
52  *      {
53  *              DEQ_WRAP(char) *ops;
54  *              DEQ_WRAP(double) *vals;
55  *              char *ln = NULL, *p, op;
56  *              size_t lnsz = 0;
57  *              double a, b;
58  *              int n;
59  *
60  *              ok(deq_new(ops,  8, DEQ_NO_SHRINK));
61  *              ok(deq_new(vals, 8, DEQ_NO_SHRINK));
62  *
63  *              while (getline(&ln, &lnsz, stdin) > 0) {
64  *
65  *                      for (p = ln; *p; p++) {
66  *                              if (isspace(*p))
67  *                                      continue;
68  *
69  *                              if (precedence(*p) == -1) {
70  *                                      if (sscanf(p, "%lf%n", &a, &n) != 1)
71  *                                              errx(1, "parse fail: %s", p);
72  *                                      ok(deq_push(vals, a));
73  *                                      p += n - 1;
74  *                                      continue;
75  *                              }
76  *
77  *                              while (1) {
78  *                                      if (*p == '(' || deq_last(ops, &op) == 0 || (precedence(*p) > precedence(op))) {
79  *                                              ok(deq_push(ops, *p));
80  *                                              break;
81  *                                      }
82  *
83  *                                      ok(deq_pop(ops, &op));
84  *
85  *                                      if (op == '(') {
86  *                                              assert(*p == ')');
87  *                                              break;
88  *                                      }
89  *                                      else {
90  *                                              if (deq_len(vals) < 2)
91  *                                                      errx(1, "out of values");
92  *                                              ok(deq_pop(vals, &b));
93  *                                              ok(deq_pop(vals, &a));
94  *                                              ok(deq_push(vals, eval(op, a, b)));
95  *                                      }
96  *                              }
97  *                      }
98  *
99  *                      while (ok(deq_pop(ops, &op)) == 1) {
100  *                              if (deq_len(vals) < 2)
101  *                                      errx(1, "out of values");
102  *                              ok(deq_pop(vals, &b));
103  *                              ok(deq_pop(vals, &a));
104  *                              ok(deq_push(vals, eval(op, a, b)));
105  *                      }
106  *
107  *                      if ((n = deq_len(vals)) != 1)
108  *                              errx(1, "wrong number of values: %d", n);
109  *
110  *                      ok(deq_pop(vals, &a));
111  *                      printf("%.lf\n", a);
112  *              }
113  *
114  *              if (ferror(stdin))
115  *                      err(1, "getline");
116  *
117  *              deq_free(ops);
118  *              deq_free(vals);
119  *              free(ln);
120  *              exit(0);
121  *      }
122  *
123  * License: APACHE-2
124  * Author: Dan Good <dan@dancancode.com>
125  *
126  * Ccanlint:
127  *      // uses statement expressions
128  *      // supported by gcc, clang, icc, and some others, but not msvc
129  *      // (see https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Statement-Exprs.html)
130  *      objects_build_without_features FAIL
131  */
132 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
133 {
134         /* Expect exactly one argument */
135         if (argc != 2)
136                 return 1;
138         if (strcmp(argv[1], "depends") == 0)
139                 return 0;
140         if (strcmp(argv[1], "testdepends") == 0) {
141                 printf("ccan/failtest\n");
142                 return 0;
143         }
145         return 1;
146 }