do {
struct cdump_enum_val *v;
+ /* GCC extension: comma and end of enum */
+ if (tok_is(&ps->toks, "}"))
+ break;
tal_resize(&e->u.enum_vals, n+1);
v = &e->u.enum_vals[n++];
--- /dev/null
+#include <ccan/cdump/cdump.h>
+/* Include the C files directly. */
+#include <ccan/cdump/cdump.c>
+#include <ccan/tap/tap.h>
+int main(void)
+ struct cdump_definitions *defs;
+ const struct cdump_type *t;
+ char *problems;
+ /* This is how many tests you plan to run */
+ plan_tests(12);
+ defs = cdump_extract(NULL, "enum foo { BAR, BAZ, };", &problems);
+ ok1(defs);
+ ok1(!problems);
+ ok1(strmap_empty(&defs->structs));
+ ok1(strmap_empty(&defs->unions));
+ t = strmap_get(&defs->enums, "foo");
+ ok1(t);
+ ok1(t->kind == CDUMP_ENUM);
+ ok1(streq(t->name, "foo"));
+ ok1(tal_count(t->u.enum_vals) == 2);
+ ok1(streq(t->u.enum_vals[0].name, "BAR"));
+ ok1(!t->u.enum_vals[0].value);
+ ok1(streq(t->u.enum_vals[1].name, "BAZ"));
+ ok1(!t->u.enum_vals[1].value);
+ tal_free(defs);
+ /* This exits depending on whether all tests passed */
+ return exit_status();