#!/bin/bash progname=$(basename $0) usage() { cat >&2 < ... options: -a, --copy-all copy all files in module tree (not just sources required for build) -b, --build-type=TYPE generate build infrastructure of TYPE (one of 'make', 'make+config', 'automake') EOF } # parse options, setting the following flags copy_all= build_type= opts=$(getopt -o ab: --long copy-all,build-type: -n $progname -- "$@") if [ $? != 0 ] then usage exit 1 fi eval set -- "$opts" while : do case "$1" in -a|--copy-all) copy_all=1 shift ;; -b|--build-type) build_type="$2" shift 2 ;; --) shift break ;; *) echo "Internal error!">&2 exit 1 ;; esac done # we need at least two non-option arguments: outdir and a list of ccan # modules if [ $# -lt 2 ] then usage exit 1 fi # check --build-type argument sanity case "$build_type" in ''|'make'|'make+config'|'automake') ;; *) echo "Invalid build type '$build_type'" >&2 exit 1 esac srcdir=$(dirname $0)/../ outdir="$1" shift modules="$@" if [ -e "$outdir" ] then echo "Output directory '$outdir' already exists" >&2 exit 1 fi tmpdir="$(mktemp -d)" # sanity check, we don't want to be overwriting stuff in arbitrary dirs [ $? -eq 0 -a -d "${tmpdir}" ] || exit 1 # We'll need the ccan_depends tool, but also a clean source tree. Build # tools/ccan_depends, and store it in $tmpdir for later use echo "Building ccan_depends" ccan_depends="$tmpdir/ccan_depends" make -s -C "$srcdir" tools/ccan_depends [ $? -eq 0 ] || exit 1 cp "$srcdir/tools/ccan_depends" "$ccan_depends" echo "Cleaning source tree" make -s -C "$srcdir" clean [ $? -eq 0 ] || exit 1 # clean up on error trap 'rm -rf $tmpdir' EXIT copy_ccan_module() { module_dir="$1" module_srcdir="$srcdir/$module_dir" module_destdir="$tmpdir/$module_dir" if [ -n "$copy_all" ] then # bulk copy mkdir -p "$(dirname "$module_destdir")" cp -a "$module_srcdir" "$module_destdir" else mkdir -p "$module_destdir" # only copy sources & license license="$module_srcdir/LICENSE" cp -a "$module_srcdir"/*.[ch] "$module_destdir" [ -e "$license" ] && cp -a "$license" "$module_destdir" fi } # generate list of directories to copy for module in $modules do # ccan_depends takes a directory name module_dir="$srcdir/ccan/$module" # we need the module itself... echo "ccan/$module" # .. plus dependencies "$ccan_depends" "$module_dir" if [ $? -ne 0 ] then echo "Invalid ccan module '$module'?" >&2 exit 1 fi done | sort -u | while read dir do echo "Adding $dir" copy_ccan_module $dir done # we're done with the dependency-tracking, remove the tool from our # temporary directory rm "$ccan_depends" echo "Adding licenses" license_dir="$tmpdir/licenses" mkdir "$license_dir" find "$tmpdir" -type l -name LICENSE | while read license do license_link=$(readlink "$license") licence_file=$(basename "$license_link") license_src="$srcdir/licenses/$licence_file" license_dest="$license_dir/$license_file" cp "$license_src" "$license_dest" done echo "Adding build infrastructure" # generate automake Makefile.am automakefile="$tmpdir/Makefile.am" if [ "$build_type" = "automake" ] then ( echo "noinst_LIBRARIES = libccan.a" echo "libccan_a_SOURCES = \\" cd "$tmpdir" find ccan -maxdepth 2 -name '*.[ch]' | sed -e 's,^,\t,;$!s,$, \\,' ) > "$automakefile" fi makefile="$tmpdir/Makefile" if [ "$build_type" = "make" -o "$build_type" = "make+config" ] then # add ccan Makefile cp "$srcdir/Makefile-ccan" "$tmpdir/" # add top-level Makefile cat > "$makefile" << EOF all: libccan.a include Makefile-ccan EOF fi # optionally add configurator, and relevant parts to top-level Makefile if [ "$build_type" = "make+config" ] then echo "Adding configurator" mkdir -p "$tmpdir/tools/configurator" cp -a "$srcdir/tools/configurator" "$tmpdir/tools/" cat >> "$makefile" < \$@ \\ || rm -f \$@ objs = \$(patsubst %.c, %.o, \$(wildcard ccan/*/*.c)) \$(objs): config.h EOF fi mv "$tmpdir" "$outdir" echo "Done. ccan source tree built in $outdir" trap - EXIT