; Definitions for the PowerPC architecture ; ; Contributors: ; Michael Neuling ; Jeremy Kerr ; ; Taken from: ; PowerPC® Microprocessor Family: ; The Programming Environments Manual for 32 and 64-bit Microprocessors ; Version 2.3 ; http://www.power.org/resources/downloads/PowerISA_203.Public.pdf ; ; Section 2.3.1 Machine State Register (MSR) [MSR_64] name: PowerPC Machine State Register field: 0 64-bit mode (SF) value: 0 32-bit mode value: 1 64-bit mode field: 2 Exception 64-bit mode field: 3 Hypervisor State (HV) field: 45 Power Management Enable (POW) field: 47 Little-Endian Exception Mode (ILE) field: 48 External Interrupt Enable (EE) field: 49 Problem State (PR) value: 0 privileged state value: 1 problem state field: 50 Floating-Point Available (FP) field: 51 Machine Check Interrupt Enable (ME) field: 52,55 Floating-Point Exception Mode (FE) value: 0 ignore exceptions value: 1 imprecise nonrecoverable value: 2 imprecise recoverable value: 3 precise field: 53 Single-Step Trace Enable (SE) field: 54 Branch Trace Enable (BE) field: 58 Instruction Relocate (IR) field: 59 Data Relocate (DR) field: 61 Performance Monitor Mark (PMM) field: 62 Recoverable Interrupt (RI) field: 63 Little-Endian Mode (LE) value: 0 big-endian value: 1 little-endian ; Section 8, Instruction slbmte [SLB_E] name: PowerPC SLB ESID Entry field: 0:35 Effective segment ID (ESID) field: 36 Valid (V) field: 52:63 Index ; Section 8, Instruction slbmte [SLB_V] name: PowerPC SLB VSID Entry field: 0:1 Segment size selector (B) value: 0 256MB value: 1 1TB value: 2 reserved value: 3 reserved field: 2:51 Virtual segment ID (VSID) field: 52 Supervisor state storage key (Ks) field: 53 Problem state storage key (Kp) field: 55,58,59 Virtual page size selector value: 0 4KB (Unless PTE specifies 64KB) (MPS) value: 5 64KB (Provided PTE specifies 64KB) (MPS) field: 54 No-execute segment (N) field: 56 Class (C) value: 0 big-endian value: 1 little-endian ; The PowerPC Architecture: ; A Specification For A New Family Of RISC Processors ; Book III PowerPC Operating Environment Architecture ; Section 2.2.3 Machine State Register (MSR) [MSR_32] name: PowerPC Machine State Register field: 13 Power Management Enable (POW) field: 15 Little-Endian Exception Mode (ILE) field: 16 External Interrupt Enable (EE) field: 17 Problem State (PR) value: 0 privileged state value: 1 problem state field: 18 Floating-Point Available (FP) field: 19 Machine Check Interrupt Enable (ME) field: 20,23 Floating-Point Exception Mode (FE) value: 0 ignore exceptions value: 1 imprecise nonrecoverable value: 2 imprecise recoverable value: 3 precise field: 21 Single-Step Trace Enable (SE) field: 22 Branch Trace Enable (BE) field: 26 Instruction Relocate (IR) field: 27 Data Relocate (DR) field: 30 Recoverable Interrupt (RI) field: 31 Little-Endian Mode (LE) value: 0 big-endian value: 1 little-endian