; Definitions for the Cell Broadband Engine Architecture ; ; Contributors: ; Jeremy Kerr ; ; Most definitions are from the documents: ; [regs]: ; Cell Broadband Engine Registers ; version 1.3 ; http://www-306.ibm.com/chips/techlib/techlib.nsf/techdocs/6ED822DD7E97D889872570B200607EEC ; ; [cbea]: ; Cell Broadband Engine Architecture ; version 1.0 ; http://www-306.ibm.com/chips/techlib/techlib.nsf/techdocs/1AEEE1270EA2776387257060006E61BA ; [regs] Section 5.6 [IOC_IOST_Origin] name: Cell IOMMU Segmentation Table Origin width: 64 field: 0 Enable field: 22:51 IOST origin field: 52 HW field: 53 HL ; [regs] Section 5.7 [IOC_IO_ExcpStat] name: Cell I/O Exception Status Register width: 64 field: 0 Valid field: 1:2 Segment/Page Fault value: 0 none value: 1 page fault value: 2 undefined value: 3 segment fault field: 29:51 Address field: 52 RW value: 0 write value: 1 read field: 53:63 IOID ; [regs] Section 4.1 [IOC_IOCmd_Cfg] name: Cell IOCmd Configuration field: 0:15 IOC Timeout field: 16 TE field: 17 Enable tokens field: 18 Read-modify-write field: 19 SXT field: 20 Node ID 0 field: 21:31 IOID0 field: 32:34 CVCID0 filed: 35 IR0 field: 36 E0 field: 37 Node ID 1 field: 38:48 IOID1 field: 49:51 CVCID1 filed: 52 IR1 field: 53 E1 field: 54:57 Starvation count 1 field: 58 AAR field: 59 AAA field: 60 Disable ageing field: 61 Read intervention [IOC_STE] name: Cell IOMMU Segmentation Table Entry field: 0 Valid field: 1 Hint field: 2:51 IOPT Base RPN field: 52:58 NPPT field: 60:63 Page size [IOC_PTE] name: Cell IOMMU Page Table Entry field: 0:1 Page protection value: 0 no access value: 1 read value: 2 write value: 3 read & write field: 2 Coherence required field: 3:4 Storage ordering value: 0 none value: 1 reserved value: 2 writes value: 3 reads & writes field: 5:51 RPN field: 52:63 IOID ; [regs] Section 5.4 [IOC_IOPT_CacheInvd] name: Cell IOC IOPT Cache Invalidate field: 0:10 Number of entries field: 22:60 IOPTE real address field: 63 Busy ; [cbea] Section 8.5.2 [SPU_Status] name: Cell SPU Status width: 32 field: 0:15 Stop-and-signal status field: 21 Isolate exit field: 22 Isolate load field: 24 Isolated mode field: 26 Stopped: invalid instruction field: 27 Stopped: single-step mode field: 28 Waiting on blocked channel field: 29 Stopped: halt instruction field: 30 Stopped: stop-and-signal field: 31 Running ; [cbea] Section 15.1 [MFC_SR1] name: Cell MFC State Register 1 width: 64 field: 57 Software/hardware page tables field: 58 Master run control value: 0 Stopped value: 1 Running field: 59 MFC Translation field: 60 Problem state field: 62 Bus tlbie field: 63 Local store real address