return "${PIPESTATUS[0]}"
- rbase=${1#*/}
- rbase="$2/${rbase%%:*}"
- rtop="$2/${1#*:}"
- rbid=$(git rev-parse "$rbase")
- rtid=$(git rev-parse "$rtop")
- [ "$rbid" = "$rtid" ] && {
- echo Empty tree
- return
- }
- [ "$(git rev-list HEAD..$rtop)" ] || {
- echo Already merged
- return
- }
- execute git clone -s -l -n -q . ../rebase-tmp || {
- echo Clone failed 1>&2
- bash -i || exit
- }
- log '$' cd ../rebase-tmp
- cd ../rebase-tmp
- execute git fetch --no-tags ../next "refs/remotes/$rtop:$rtop" || {
- echo Fetch of top failed 1>&2
- bash -i || exit
- }
- execute git fetch --no-tags ../next "refs/remotes/$rbase:$rbase" || {
- echo Fetch of base failed 1>&2
- bash -i || exit
- }
- execute git checkout "$rtop" || {
- echo Checkout of top failed 1>&2
- bash -i || exit
- }
- execute git rebase --onto master "$rbase" || {
- echo Rebase failed 1>&2
- bash -i || exit
- }
- log '$' cd ../next
- cd ../next
- execute git pull -f ../rebase-tmp "$rtop" || {
- echo Pull failed 1>&2
- echo "$h" >>../merge.debug
- git diff >>../merge.debug 2>&1
- git diff 2>&1 | egrep -q '<<<<<|^\*' && {
- bash -i || exit
- }
- }
- execute rm -rf ../rebase-tmp
[ -n "$start_from" ] || {
cp /dev/null "$LOG_FILE"
execute date -R
log Merging "$h" "($hlog)"
- case "$h" in
- *:*)
- do_rebase "$h" "$tree"
- ;;
- *)
- execute git merge "$h" || {
- echo Merge failed 1>&2
- echo "$h" >>../merge.debug
- git diff >>../merge.debug 2>&1
- check_unmerged_files "$tree"
- git diff 2>&1 | egrep -q '<<<<<|^\*' && {
- linux-next-notify "new conflict found merging $tree"
- if [ -f "../merge-fixes/$tree" ]; then
- echo "Merge fixes exist for this tree:"
- cat "../merge-fixes/$tree"
- fi
+ execute git merge "$h" || {
+ echo Merge failed 1>&2
+ echo "$h" >>../merge.debug
+ git diff >>../merge.debug 2>&1
+ check_unmerged_files "$tree"
+ git diff 2>&1 | egrep -q '<<<<<|^\*' && {
+ linux-next-notify "new conflict found merging $tree"
+ if [ -f "../merge-fixes/$tree" ]; then
+ echo "Merge fixes exist for this tree:"
+ cat "../merge-fixes/$tree"
+ fi
+ bash -i || exit
+ }
+# [ "$(git status --porcelain)" ] && {
+ GIT_EDITOR=: execute git commit -v -a || {
+ linux-next-notify "next commit failed for $tree"
bash -i || exit
-# [ "$(git status --porcelain)" ] && {
- GIT_EDITOR=: execute git commit -v -a || {
- linux-next-notify "next commit failed for $tree"
- bash -i || exit
- }
- execute git diff -M --stat --summary 'HEAD^..'
-# }
- }
- ;;
- esac
+ execute git diff -M --stat --summary 'HEAD^..'
+# }
+ }
[ -f "../merge-fixes/$tree" ] && {
for p in $(cat "../merge-fixes/$tree"); do
"$bin_dir/merge_fix" -n "$p" || {